So it’s been a bit since I’ve posted anything.

So it’s been a bit since I’ve posted anything.

Things have been crazy lately, lots of working and life has been crazy. I also snuck in a small vacation in a warmer climate. I’m still having visions and Ben still shows up in odd places. I have been hearing him in english lately, he genuinely seems concerned about my well being. I have also noticed that he will talk to me at times to provide me with information even if I don’t see him. Linda asked me to go to a party last weekend and as we walked in the building Ben was standing inside the building just to the right. I told Linda and she made a comment that I barely heard. As she continued on I circled back to Ben and asked how he was doing, he just nodded. I said you realize you are making me look crazy don’t you? I asked if something was going to happen there and he said no has was just checking on me. I just said thank you and told him his english sounded much better. Later I told Linda what happened.

Today I went to see a Medium that had been recommended to me by a friend. I just wanted to talk to someone about things, thinking if there was some confirmation of things I might feel a little less crazy. When I met her she asked if I had anyone that I wanted to ask about. I just said no I just have some stuff happening in my life and wanted to know what she thought about it. She uses a tarot deck and also reads things without the deck. In the first 10 minutes she had named all most everything going on with me and even a couple that didn’t concern the psychic stuff. I was pretty impressed. She also talked to me about my situation and explained that she had similar issues in the past. If you haven’t talked to a good medium it can be an eye opener. I called Linda and told her about the reading and she was blown away. Well on to more of my notes on visions I’ve had.

11/8/23 3:40am

Ben shows up. I was just having a regular dream in which I was coming out of a cool looking old building. Ben walks up and waves and starts walking with me. I was on a sidewalk but now we are in a grassy field. We keep walking and he says “How are you doing”? I told him that I had been having a hard time with all of the things I have been seeing and he said he knew. I told him Linda had given me beads to wear and that I tried them and it even seemed to help. Then I looked at my wrist and they weren’t there, I had taken them off when working in the kitchen before bed. He brought his hand up and in his palm were the beads. When I picked them out of his hand my fingers touched his hand and an overwhelming calmness came over me. Usually I’m crushed with sadness, fear, and a whole pile of other emotions but this was a deep calm. I put the beads back on my left wrist. He talked to me for a while and was trying to help me learn how to deal with things. I asked why I could see the things I do and he said most people could but most of them don’t want to and some of us get more sensitive to it and can’t avoid seeing. He also said that things that are happening now are building quickly and forces are aligning in preparation. Our world is getting ready to go through a massive series of events.

11/13/23 4:30 pm

I keep seeing horses.


I’m in a big field again and Ben is there. Bens says lets go you need to see this. We are walking and there are dogs walking in the field too they are all walking the same direction we are. The dogs are not playing , it feels strange, they are not mad just somehow serious or maybe focused is the better word. I can see the big building ahead. It’s still surrounded by the big people. I can feel a heaviness, things are escalating. Something is different though there are more big buildings there now looks to be three or four more big places. There are faceless creatures at the first building still. They seem to be angry and agitated there are more regular people (humans) walking past us to join the faceless things.

Ben touches me and says look. I feel the calmness again from his touch and he points to one of the new buildings. There are creatures around this place as well. They don’t look the same as the faceless things but they are also scary. There bodies are deformed they are bent over almost like they walk in an ape like fashion. Their faces have mouths but again no eyes. They make me feel bad as they walk past, they are busy at something and hurriedly moving about. Ben points out the other places as well. There are odd, evil feeling creatures at each new place. They are mostly staying at their respective building but there seems to be some crossover as if there are efforts to coordinate something. The number of creatures is enormous and I’m really not feeling good at all, this is a huge group that is starting to feel like an army of some sort. The creatures, at least some of them seem to be very excited almost happy or I don’t know almost cocky. They look towards Ben standing next to me with what I guess is meant to be a threatening look and a group forms up. I want to run but Ben stands firm. I ask him what is going on with all these things building up like this? What is the deal with all of these creatures? He looks at me and says in your world people can hide who and what they are. They can have evil in their heart and surprise you with their actions, here evil will transform you. You cannot be evil and hateful here, if you are you will look like one of these. I’m starting to not feel good again. I’m in the middle of these things and they look to number in the millions. Things are feeling hopeless and scary. Ben grabs my shoulder and says come with me and we are out away from the buildings again. I tell him how I was feeling and he says I know but then he points to the left of me and as I look I now see that the rings of giant people are now around this whole area even around the area with the new buildings. They all have weapons and a very serious look, they are no longer crying. Ben walks me through the rings of giants and they don’t even look at us but then I see something new. There are horses walking up behind the giant people, huge horses. The only thing I know that I could compare them too would be Clydesdales. There are smaller people like Ben and Mary they are attaching armor to the horses. Armor plate on the faces, chest and legs, even armor that drapes from the rear of huge looking saddles down over the rear quarters of the horses. The armor is the same glowing purplish material the giants are wearing. As I’m still feeling the calmness from Ben grabbing me I joke “is this Beskar armor?” (Like from the Mandalorian). Ben just smiles and says it’s better than that.

Now as the horses are outfitted in armor they are moved through the line of giants and they each stand with one giant. It’s really amazing to watch and I realize I have been staring for a while. I look at Ben and say what is going on? Everyone is just standing there so I ask what are they waiting on? Ben just says “They are waiting on the word”.

I turn around to look at the buildings. There are still normal looking people moving around in the midst of the creatures. The people still look excited and angry but all the creatures have a different look. As they see the horses lining up with the giants in the front line they look to be scared. The excitement is gone and you can tell they know something the regular people don’t understand. Ben walks with me and says time is running out and the world is on the precipice.

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