Still working on control and dealing with the emotions.

Still working on control and dealing with the emotions.

As a person who was in the military this stuff is hitting me pretty hard. Lots of visions of things and not understanding how people in my visions seem to be able to react to my seeing them.

Oct 27

I awaken to Ben he is looking at me. He says “they are here”. I close my eyes and when I open them Im in a truck. There are two faceless things here and a few humans. There are guns and other crap stacked up. I see an AT4. The faceless things are talking and some of the people talk in arabic. The one guy says “it will take them totally by surprise, Inshalla”. They are in the US.

Later that same day. I was talking to another person I know that is a well known medium and this was one of my messages to him.

“I’m not really sure what to do. I have tried to put limits on what I’m seeing. I have said no. I have plead the blood of Jesus Christ as a believer but things are not slowing. I have things dropping me out of my awake state into visions and things are getting crazy. My spirit guide who I have taken to calling Ben looks at me like I’m crazy. He talks to me in a foreign language but I understand him in my language. I feel like I’m losing my mind.”

Oct 28 7am

So Ben showed up again. I’m in a field and the large building is out in front of me again. There is now a complete ring of very large people standing around the building. The ring is at least four people deep. I want to say the large people are men but there are definitely female looking people in the group. They all appear to be in the strange glowing armor. I know weapons but they are holding weapons I can not identify some of the people in the front seem to be armed with what looks like just a sword. I would say they look to be poorly armed but I don’t think that is the case. These people look like they are ready to crush who they will fight. I asked Ben is this my world? What I’m seeing looks like a big field in the country but I don’t know where I am. Ben says “Yes, but also no” I’m not sure what the hell I’m supposed to get from that. There are faceless people close to the building but they look wary. In past days they looked confident almost cocky but not today. I feel like the faceless things are scared.

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