The Spirit Guide kicks things up a notch

The Spirit Guide kicks things up a notch

The whole vision idea sounds like it would be cool or fun if you could do it, at least that’s what I have had people say. The problem was these visions were really starting to wipe me out. I would see something and the accompanying feelings and emotions would drain me. I was getting to the point that I was miserable, I didn’t want to sleep, I would be overcome with emotion again if I tried talking about things, it was really becoming hard to deal with. My better half would listen to me and she was very understanding but I was feeling like I was losing my mind. I had a family member that had committed suicide and I was beginning to wonder if they had similar problems and this contributed to the suicide. I was miserable.

So while I was trying to avoid what was happening I was trying to stay awake. I started drinking and when I did need to sleep I would drink so much I basically just passed out. Alcohol was one way I figured I could dull the crushing emotions I was feeling but it turned out to not be enough. Yes it took me a few weeks to figure out that Surprise Surprise Alcohol was not the answer. My Spirit guide would not let me hide, I guess there was more for me to see.

Saturday May 27

8:45pm First time ever I was standing in lindas kitchen. We were talking and when I looked into the living room the guy from the field last night was standing behind the couch looking at us. Dark curly hair, skin a little darker than mine maybe middle eastern. He looked at us and smiled. Not a creepy smile just a friendly smile. He was wearing a royal blue shirt with khaki pants and brown leather shoes. He didn’t say anything. I asked linda if I was awake and she said yes. While we were watching a movie earlier I kept telling linda I saw something moving in the reflection of the kitchen window. The movement happened a few times over an hour or so. While I looked at him she saw nothing then he walked towards us and turned towards the front door and he was gone.

July 26

I’m in the field again, linda is with me.

We are walking and there are a lot of dogs. Like lots of dogs maybe thousands. I feel my belt and I have my pistol and a bunch of mags. I’m also seeing the men again. They all appear to be my age or older, linda sees the men this time. She even asks me is this like the guy you saw in the house and I say yes. Dogs are everywhere but they are not playing this time everyone is walking in the same direction.

There are other people walking too some are women and some are men, a lot of them have kids with them. They seem to be regular people. As we come over a hill I can see the big building again. It still reminds me of a mall but bigger, made of block and concrete, very industrial looking. As we make our way towards the building there is a line of men around it. Maybe twenty five yards from the building in a ring around the building. There are lots of dogs lining up with the men too. Lisa notices there are also bigger men. The bigger men are wearing armor and carrying weapons, swords, spears, bows and some hand held weapons I can’t identify, the armor is strange looking almost glowing.

As we get to the line of man we can see that they are crying, not sobbing but tears are definitely flowing.

We have no idea what this means. Linda and I look at each other but we just don’t understand what this means.

People start making there way through the line of men. These are the people I saw as we were walking. Some avoid the looks of the men who stare at them some openly sneer at the men who are not like me. The dogs are growling at the people as they walk through the line of men. All of these men are facing the big building. We are right in front of the men and I ask one if we can go closer to the building. The man just shrugs his shoulders like you can if you want. Linda and I make our way towards the building.

As we get closer to one of the doorways things are moving around. They are the faceless things I have seen before, I can feel it. They have upgraded their camo. Their faces now seem like some sort of mask like a halloween mask of rubber. They look almost real but something is not right, the eyes don’t look right, there are no eyeballs looking out also the face doesn’t move. There are still some of the faceless things with the drawn on faces moving about. I can hear noises and distant screaming from the building, it reminds me of radio chatter and I can’t make out what’s being said but someone is definitely directing what’s going on. It’s all very creepy, linda is visibly scared as am I but I feel angry too although I’m not sure why. As we get closer to the doorway the disguised faceless things try to direct us inside but we don’t go in. We can hear screams and cries of anguish coming from inside the building. One of the faceless things comes right up to me and looks right into my face from maybe a foot or less away. No eyes, no mouth, no ears, but I can feel that it’s looking straight into me. I start to feel scared and mad and My hand closes on my pistol. If this thing does anything fast I’m going to shoot it and I hear “No!”. I look down and there are maybe six or seven dogs standing close to us, I thought we walked to the building alone. The faceless things fear the dogs and I can also feel that they fear the men. One of the dogs says “back up but just keep looking straight ahead” and we do that. We have about five or six yards between us and the faceless things now. They are waving people with and without kids into the building. Someone shouts at us to get out of they way if we are not going in.

One of the dogs motions for us to follow him along the building so we walk past the doorway and start down the side of the building. Linda says the faceless people had her terrified I told her that’s what I have been saying. They seem to me like they are trying harder to blend in with regular people. Some of them even had regular clothes on instead of the military looking uniform. As we make our way around the building we can hear motors running. There are big trucks the size of semi tractor trailers sitting under a big part of the building and there is stuff coming off of a ramp that must have a conveyor. As we get closer we can see the stuff going into the trucks is clothing and other items some with blood on it some ripped. I feel like someone has punched me in the stomach. We head back the way we came steering away from the doorway.

As we get back close to the line of men I said are you just going to stand here and one shrugged at me. Linda turns and says this is not right. One of the dogs in front of us looks like my dog. The dog gets taller and turns into a woman. She is beautiful and she walks towards us. She also looks to be mid thirties or so but probably older. Linda says you can’t let this happen. While she talks more people walk by us on their way into the building. The woman says “They are running out of time” which makes no sense to me. I said who? She said” Thats why they attack the machine”. I said why do they attack the machine? What is that machine? She says “Its time”. Linda says it’s time for what? And the woman says no, the machine is time, they attack the machine because they are running out of time. This is the most anyone has talked to me in these visions. Then the woman looks right at Linda and Me and says “When they learn that you know they will come for you.” I tell her one of these men was in our house. She says they were expecting them to come for us. I ask if the guy we saw in the house was there to protect us and she shrugs yes. we go back through the line of men and more are lining up and putting on armor we walk back into the field and none of the dogs or people follow us.

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